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Connecting local leaders to inspire global change


Talent Management is a priority initiative on the WINGS agenda and crucial for PHOENIX’ future.

The competence model represents a core element, the base for Talent Management:
 It defines the (leadership) behaviour we want to see and develop at PHOENIX: Our core behaviours ‘Leading@PHOENIX’.

The following model is based on exhaustive desk research and sounding with some country HR Managers and MDs and has been approved by the Executive Board.

Create customer value

Our customer‘s needs are the center of everything I do.

Positive Indicators

  • Ensure that employees have a deep understanding of customer needs.
  • Create integrated, end-to end processes that focus on customer interests.
  • Bind customers to the company in the long term, build trustful relatioships.
  • Be approachable and easy to do business with.

Negative Indicators

  • Conveys a functional / technical rather than customer perspective.
  • Does not know the needs of / what creates value for the customer.
  • Puts short term profit above long-term customer relationships.
  • Only sees the customer’s perspective, does not balance service levels and profitability.
  • Believes to already know all about the customer.

Provide Direction

I think ahead, set direction and thereby reduce complexity.

Positive Indicators

  • Systematically analyse problems and manage complexity to find suitable solutions.
  • See ahead clearly, gain a broad perspective and take effective decisions on this basis.
  • Establish and communicate direction, set clear expectations, priorities and goals.

Negative Indicators

  • Does not see the bigger picture.
  • Is unable to transform complex and ambiguous information into a coherent strategy / message.
  • Is reluctant to take decisions or make commitments, especially when faced with uncertainty.
  • Holds back information, delays communication, fails to establish orientation and targets for the
    organisation and individuals.

Engage the team

I seek for personal growth and engage my employees.

Positive Indicators

  • Reflect on your behaviour, seek for feedback, listen and learn quickly.
  • Transfer responsibility and motivates employees to take ownership and enable them to
  • Promote a shared sense of purpose and facilitate teamwork.
  • Create a culture of openness and trust where mistakes and differences are seen as learning

Negative Indicators

  • Is unable to take alternative perspectives and self-reflection; not interested in or overly sensitive to feedback.
  • Is reluctant to delegate / is likely to micromanage and disempower staff.
  • Appears unpredictable, overly emotional, intimidating, insensitive to the needs & feelings of others.
  • Is unable to build effective teams / coalitions / motivate others; does not show public support for colleagues or employees.
  • Is too critical and harsh, people are afraid to experiment and make mistakes.

Drive business performance

I know the business, take accountability for actions and results and improve every day.

Positive Indicators

  • Secure operational excellence, high quality and process standards through a KPI driven approach.
  • Stay focused on a goal, be persistent and take ownership for results.
  • Suggest better approaches and implement improvements continuously.
  • Foster an environment where performance is valued and rewarded.

Negative Indicators

  • Sees only one’s own part of a process; neglects implications on others.
  • Is unable to bring matters to a conclusion.
  • Pushes responsibility to others, indecisive and conforming.
  • Does not differentiate between high and low performance; unlikely to give negative feedback.

Foster business innovation

I act like an entrepreneur. I am eager to try out new opportunities and challenge the status quo. I embrace change and take others with me.

Positive Indicators

  • Recognise relevant trends and developments and challenge the status quo.
  • Have the courage to drive innovative ideas and be ready to learn from failure.
  • Facilitate collaboration, learning across boundaries and integrate ideas from others.
  • Envision the future and derive measures for today.
  • Take the team with you during changes.

Negative Indicators

  • Is blind to megatrends/new developments; sticks to the status quo.

  • Is hesitant to take controversial positions/make decisions.

  • Acts reluctantly to try/ adapt new procedures and use learnings to improve.

  • Is unable to think outside the box and think ahead; or unable to pave the way how to get there from today’s starting point.

  • Is “up in the clouds”; unable to “meet people where they are at”.